Professional update: Beginning a Master’s Program at the Stockholm Resilience Centre

In an exciting professional and personal update, I’m happy to share that I have just begun a Master’s Program in Social-Ecological Resilience for Sustainable Development. This program is part of the Stockholm Resilience Centre (SRC), a sustainability science research center in Stockholm University, located in Stockholm, Sweden.
This program focuses on broad and trans-disciplinary approaches to addressing global sustainability challenges. It is a two-year Master of Science program, taught in English, and includes one year of coursework and one year dedicated to the development of a research project and a Master’s thesis.
I’m thrilled to be continuing my education, and especially by participating in this particular program. After having worked in sustainability and sustainable development for over five years, at two different NGOs, I feel that I have gained a lot of practical knowledge about the implementation of sustainable development projects and the NGO world. At the same time, I found myself craving additional theory that could help guide my work, as well as research experience within sustainability science. This particular program felt like the right fit for many reasons. It takes a broad and holistic view of sustainability, which is demonstrated in the wide breadth of the research being conducted at the SRC, spanning themes of Food, Anthropocene, Resilience & Development, and others. I’m impressed with the depth and rigor of the research, and looking forward to the opportunity to develop my own project throughout my second year in the program, contributing to the Centre’s work.

Personally, it’s an exciting time because starting this program has meant that I accomplished two big life goals at once: (1) Going back to school, and (2) Moving abroad. I’ve now been in Stockholm for just over a month, and it’s been a big change, but a nice one. I’m looking forward to settling in more and more to life here, and seeing how this program enables me to grow both professionally and personally. It’s an exciting time and I’m grateful to be living this experience!
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